Fan-Tastic Vent™ 1250 Series Vent - Off White

Price: $263.00
Total Fees: $0.00

Minimum Order Qty 0 Orders less than 0 will be charged $0.00
Model Number:  34-1621-2227
Time To Ship:  7 days

  • Fan-Tastic Vent will exchange the air in your recreational or commercial vehicle in minutes. 
  • Cooking smoke and unpleasant aromas are whisked away in seconds.
  • The core of the system is a powerful 12" 10-blade rotary fan that works with open doors or windows to create a balanced air flow.
  • It is designed for maximum air flow efficiency. Hot, stale, stuffy air is pushed out. Fresh, clean, natural air is pulled in. FAN-TASTIC VENT is lightweight, compact, bug resistant, durable and seals tight when not in use.
  • The 12 volt, DC motor operates at 3 speeds for selected performance levels. Installs in minutes and fits the existing opening provided by most recreational vehicle manufacturers.
  • Removable Screen for easy cleaning.
  •  2 Year Limited Warranty

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