SmartTote2 LX Portable Holding Tank 4 Wheel 27 Gallon

Price: $363.79
Total Fees: $0.00

Minimum Order Qty 0 Orders less than 0 will be charged $0.00
Model Number:  38-51629-TH
Time To Ship:  5 days

  • PermaStore: Self Storing Sewer Hose Stays Connected At Bottom Of Tank
  • Cradle Pivots, Hose Extends For Quick, Clean Hookup
  • Bayonet Cap Prevents Spills; Just Pull Out, Connect To Fill Or Empty
  • AutoStop: Level Gauge/Valve Stops Flow When Tank Is Full To Prevent Messy Over-Filling!
  • No Heavy Lifting - Use The Convenient, Included Tow Handle (On LX Models) To Easily Pull Your SmartTote From RV To Evacuation
  • Four Wheels For Easy Maneuvering
  • Limited 1 Year Warranty
  • Dimensions: 42.4" L X 21.7" W x 15.4" H

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