Triple Axle Fiberglass Fenderskirt

Price: $495.00
Total Fees: $0.00

Minimum Order Qty 0 Orders less than 0 will be charged $0.00
Model Number:  01-2160
Time To Ship:  14 days

  • 107 1/2"L x 11 3/4"W x 13 3/4"H
  • $50.00 PKG. FEE
  • Fits 2006 Attitude Models
  • 17 Screw Idents
  • Textured Finish
  • Please Check Dimensions Before Ordering
  • This Size is not UPS able and Will Ship Freight
  • Polar White is Standard. Addtional Colors Available For a Fee:
    • Colonial White $5
    • Taupe & Grey $15
    • Black $30
  • Sold and Priced Individually

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