2010 Crossroads Cruiser 68 3/4"L x 9 1/2"H

Price: $231.00
Total Fees: $0.00

Minimum Order Qty 0 Orders less than 0 will be charged $0.00
Model Number:  01-2176
Time To Ship:  14 days

  • Tandem Axle
  • Fiberglass
  • Fits 2010 Crossroads Cruisers
  • Smooth Finish
  • 9 Screw Indents
  • Available in Standard Polar White
  • Additional Colors Available for a Fee:
    • Colonial White $5
    • Taupe&Grey $15
    • Black $30
  • Not Instock- 2 Weeks Before Ready To Ship Out
  • Priced and sold individually

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