Bath Tub 40 x 24 x 12-3/8

Price: $149.20
Total Fees: $0.00

Minimum Order Qty 0 Orders less than 0 will be charged $0.00
Model Number:  13-355132232
Time To Ship:  14 days

  •  Plastic Bath Tub; 40 x 24 x 12-3/8;Textured Surface; Right Hand Drain;Surround for this tub-13-515931132; 13-516731132; 13-516031132; 13-516032132; 13-517331132; 13-517031132; 13-516031432; 13-516762132; 13-516062132; PLEASE SPECIFY WHEN ORDERING IN COMMENT AREA WHITE OR PARCHMENT14 day lead timeShips UPS ground 

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