Step Tub 36 X 24 X 13

Price: $495.89
Total Fees: $0.00

Minimum Order Qty 0 Orders less than 0 will be charged $0.00
Model Number:  13-354711332
Time To Ship:  28 days

  • Plastic Step Tub;
  • 36 x 24 x 13.44;
  • Textured Surface;
  • Left Hand Drain;
  • Surround for this tub-13-476831432; 13-476031432; 13-477362132; 13-476062132; 13-476762132; 13-475931132; 13-476731132; 13-476031132; 13-476032132; 13-477331132; 13-478131132;
  • *** WHITE ONLY***

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