Repair holes, cuts and tears resulting from plumbing repairs, weak seams and damage by cats and other animals-Quickly-Neatly-Inexpensively-Permanently-Safely
A neat, fast permanent and inexpensive way to mend holes, cuts and tears in most mobile home bottom closure materials is at hand. Flex Mend is a revolutionary mending product that matches the appearance and textrue of botttom board closure materials used by most manufacturers in the mobile home industry today. A woven polyethylene film currently meeting all requirements for use as bottomboard by the mobile home industry. It has been solid-coated with specially formulated high tech adhesive, and has an easily removed paper release liner.
When placed under holes and tears, the entire patch bonds tightly to the bottom closure material permanently, leaving no unsightly loose edges. Immediately following application. Patches are almost impossible to remove without destroying the patch and/or the surface to which they are bonded. During the next few hours, adhesion becomes stronger and stronger.
Flex Mend Tape
28 Inches x 25 Feet
Is Permanent- Neither the substrate or adhesive will deteriorate.
Is Waterproof- Bothe substrate and teh adhesive are unaffected by moisture or water
Is Quick- Simply cut the right size patch and peel off the paper release liner. In just seconds the entire hole or tear is covered permanently
Is Strong- An attempt to remove the patch will result in destruction fo the patched area
Is Neat- Patch is almost invisible when used to repair damaged polyethylene bottom boards
Is Unaffected by Cold- Can be applied in below-freezing temperatures and will hold regardless of the season